Picky Eater (Recorded)


Picky Eater (Recorded)

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What do you want for dinner? Chicken Nuggets. What else do you want for dinner? Chicken Nuggets. If meals are a battle and chicken nuggets are what your child eats for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you have a "Picky Eater." Join us to learn how to encourage your child to "try" new foods. You'll be given a Cognitive Behavioral meal plan which allows your child choice while you gradually expose your child to new foods. The goal of this meal plan is for your child to feel more confident trying new foods with meal time not being a total meltdown. Join us for Picky Eater if you want to hear "That was good. I want more of that."


Parent(s) of any child who is a Picky Eater.


Randy Floyd, LSCSW, Founder, Clinical Level Therapist

Randy is the founder of Midwest Anxiety. He is a Licensed Specialist Clinical Social Worker who is an optimist and passionate about helping people focus on what they can do rather than what they can't do. Randy believes building a strong therapeutic relationship and tapping into a person's strengths are the most essential components of the therapeutic experience. Randy is passionate about changing the way we do mental health. He is focused on making mental health normal, a positive experience. He is also adamant about doing mental health differently. Randy believes the "old ways" suggest mental health is for the "broken" or "mentally ill." Randy believes that "Everyone Struggles." Sure. Some people struggle more than others, but everyone struggles with something. With this belief, Randy is focused on providing a wide range of programs and services to help people be mentally well ;) Go give Randy a fist bump on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.


Purchase this recorded version of Picky Eater and you'll learn everything we cover in the LIVE class but on your own time. After you purchase the recorded class, you’ll receive a link to connect to the class web page. 


Individual Therapy clients get all classes FREE forever.




The materials distributed are provided with the understanding that the author and presenters are not engaged in rendering professional services. This is a psychoeducational class and information in the presentations or group discussions by the presenters, facilitators, or participants should not be considered to be medical, psychological, legal, financial, or spiritual counsel. The presentations and written materials are not intended to provide medical, psychological, legal, financial, or spiritual services or counseling. If expert assistance or counseling is needed, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Any opinions, finding, recommendations or conclusions expressed by the author(s) or speaker(s) do not necessarily reflect the views of Midwest Anxiety, LLC.